
Meet the Hosts of the Podcast!


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Hi, I’m Erica, a single twin mom who is frugal, fun and I would say a semi-strict mom.  

I keep my kids on a routine and basically only say no when it’s dangerous, unnecessary or if it deviates from our routine to cause the kids to get upset that their routine is disrupted.  My kids know how to do simple chores and we make it fun! I find that raising independent children; giving them small bits of freedom as they grow older. 
I am frugal! I price match groceries, know how to stretch a dollar and have found a sure fire way to pay down debt fast! I am not a math person by any means, just ask Karla! 

I am a fun mom, by this I feel the need to compensate for being a single mom.  Yes, there I said it! Mom guilt is a thing and even if we are lying saying that it doesn’t affect us! 

I am a huge advocate of moms taking self-care. It is NOT selfish, it is not unacceptable, it is truly a necessary thing like food or water! Which by the way are both necessary if you are breastfeeding.  

Now my kids, Kinsley and Reagan are MoMo twins,  I spent 98 days in hospital during this pregnancy.  58 while pregnant on ante-natal, and 40 days in NICU! My kids are spitfires who are cleared of all preemie status by age 2.  

Kinsley is all gas and no brakes! She is one who will test your patience and immediately make you melt with her smile.  She is very funny, blunt and loves unicorns! 

Reagan is my observer.  She will wait and watch rather than jumping right in.  She is very witty and very inquisitive.  She loves dinosaurs and books.

Erica Garrett

“You are a person first, a mom second. Breaks are allowed! Momming is hard.”

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